Thursday, 7 May 2015

Author Profile – Lisa Fulham

Hello and welcome!
I am so happy you could join us today.

G.H – How are you today?

LF: Hi I’m really good today actually. I’ve spent the morning organising my first release party, releasing the schedule, telling the people taking part my plans for the day and just being a little more organised.

G.H – That’s excellent!
G.H - When did you first start writing?

LF: I ‘officially’ started writing on the 30th of November 2011, that was the day I began my blog and shared my work. Before then I had many failed attempts at writing, but I haven’t stopped since.

G.H – Oooh wow you remember the actual day!
G.H - Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?

LF: My dream to be a writer started when I was fifteen. I read a book by a writer called Kate Cann. I fell in love with her work and wanted to be able to tell stories which sucked the reader into a world I’d created. Unfortunately I never believed in myself enough to really try and I buried that dream until I was thirty. Other than that I wanted to be a car sales rep which is something else I didn’t do either lol.

G.H – Wow they are both very different! You’ve picked up one dream already never too late for the other.
G.H - Are you a full-time or part-time writer?  How does that affect your writing?

LF: Just before Christmas the company I was working for ceased trading and I was at a loss as to what to. I’ve now started my own business which is making me a no-time writer at the minute, but I’m hoping over the coming weeks I can begin to make time as I have my fourth book started and really want to delve into it.

G.H – Wow owning your own company is a great achievement! I am sure in the near future you can get back into writing.
G.H - How did you become involved with the subject or theme of your book?

LF: Because I have written three books; one novella, one poetry and one anthology, I have covered quite a few subjects and themes. I’m inspired by the smallest of things, almost like a magpie; if something shinny catches my eye I have to write about it.

G.H -  A wide variety is a good idea.
G.H - Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?  If you write more than one, how do you balance them?

LF: I’ve read erotica for a long time, well before ‘The Book’ came out. It’s not the only genre I read, but when I began writing, it was the genre that came through. Having saying that, I sometimes think there may not be enough sex in my books for some readers, but erotica in my eyes; is so much more than sex. I’m a very descriptive writer and I try to build the characters, the places and emotions for the readers to step into which means sometimes the sex just has to wait.

GH – They do say you write what you know and as you read them that makes sense for those to come through in your writing.
G.H - Where does your inspiration for these stories come from?

LF: It may be easier to list a few things I’ve written and what inspired them

Out on Business was inspired simply from my love of a man in a well cut suit and my addiction to wearing nylons. I built a story around these two things and the world I created around them is one of the things I’m most proud of as a writer.

A story in my anthology called The Wedding Guest was inspired by a wedding invitation I received from one of my closest friends.

And last, but not least, my current WIP (Work In Progress) was inspired by a photograph taken by my photographer friend Rob Dalimer.

G.H – I like how your inspiration can be anything.
G.H - What was your favourite chapter to write and why?

LF:  Damn! That’s a hard question. Ermmmmmm............... In Out on Business there is a scene where Lucy receives her first ever spanking. I loved delving into her head for that one. I also loved a speech I wrote in the story The Wedding Guest. These are two completely different kinds of scenes, but both brim with emotion. I love writing emotions.

G.H – Emotions are a great tool and I think help to remind ourselves we are human and so are our characters.
G.H - Where is your favourite place to write?

LF: I’m not sure it’s my favourite, but it’s been where I’ve achieved the most; the desk in my bedroom at the window. I live on a main road and the other side is a line of terraced houses just like mine. For inspiration it’s pretty poor, but that pushes my mind to create things completely organically.

G.H – That’s a different type of technique!
G.H - Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? i.e. You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?

LF: I tend to write in my PJ’s (no matter what time of the day it is) and have Oasis playing in the background. I grew-up with their music seeping into my soul and when they are on it’s like having a friend in the room without the distraction of them talking to me.

G.H – Aww that’s really sweet!
G.H - Do you use a computer/laptop for your first draft or are you a pen and paper writer?
LF: I used to do my first draft by hand, but it just took so much time. I’m really hard on myself as a writer and although I know I shouldn’t, it’s hard not to compare my work rate to others. I always feel as though I should be writing more so I switched to writing notes, but ultimately writing straight onto my PC. My PC died before Christmas so now I’m having to adjust to writing on a laptop, but I’ll get there.

G.H – I know what you mean about comparing yourself to others!
G.H - How do you come up with characters names and place names in your books?

LF: I find characters names one of the hardest parts of writing. I have to flip through names and if someone I know pops into my head then I can’t use that name. I want my characters to be 100% my creation and if I’m picturing someone else while writing, then I don’t think that would be possible. As for places, I’ve used Manchester as that’s where I’m from, Edinburgh was used in Out on Business because one of my followers on Twitter decided my story must be about him lol so I set a large part of it in the city he’s from.

G.H – I completely agree! I find names very difficult too! Oh that’s so cool! I bet he enjoyed that!
G.H - Did you learn anything from writing your book?  What was it?

LF: I’ve learnt a lot from my writing journey
1.      I’m not as good as I think I am
2.      I’m better than I give myself credit for
3.      Editing sucks balls and can die an agonising death!
4.      Editing is what makes you a better writer
5.      Support for indie authors is staggering
6.      You can’t be everyone’s cup of tea
7.      Never lose your humility because that’s what makes you a good person

G.H – A few conflicting statements above but all true – I like it!
G.H - How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?

LF: Too long! How long is a piece of string? So many things factor into it. What’s going on in life at the time? Are there times of writers block? Sometimes writing the first draft can be quick, but editing takes forever or vice versa. As I said, I’m very down on myself about my work rate, but if I tried to push myself and rush my work out then I wouldn’t be publishing my best which isn’t fair to me or my readers.

G.H – That is very true, writing is very much a personal journey and you have to be fair and true to yourself and your readers.
G.H - Can you describe the feeling you had when you saw your published book for the first time?

LF: I cried like a little girl. I honestly couldn’t believe I had managed to do it. Then when I held my Anthology in print for the first time I think I almost screamed the house down with excitement.

G.H – Aww that’s fantastic! I love how authors react to their first works and then their other works.
G.H - Who are some of your favourite authors?

LF: Kate Cann will always hold a special place in my heart. Dan Brown, Cameron Lincoln, Paige Thomas, Rebecca Sherwin, KL Shandwick, Tracie Podger, Hemmie Martin, Charming Man..... The list goes on. They all bring their unique voices to their work and that’s the true talent of a writer.

G.H – A nice list there.
G.H - Have you ever suffered from a "writer's block"? What did you do to get past the "block"?

LF: Oh god yes. I honestly felt as though someone had stolen my soul. It was awful. Remember in Northern Lights where they separate humans from their Daemons (souls) that’s how it felt. I became dispirited about the whole idea of writing and almost walked away from it all.

G.H – That’s a nice comparison and definitely hits the spot!
G.H - Time for a few crazy questions!

G.H - Do you write naked?

LF: I’ve not written naked, but I have written dressed in stockings, heels and sexy underwear; it proved rather fruitful I must say.

G.H – Ooooh!
G.H - What is the biggest lie you've ever told?

LF: Ohhhhhh ermmmmmm When I was younger I told my mum I was spending weekends at my friends house, but actually I was seeing my older boyfriend I knew she wouldn’t approve of. Very naughty I know and if my daughter tried anything like that there would be BIG trouble.

G.H – Hahaha I am sure many people have done that in their time.
G.H - Have you ever been in trouble with the police?

LF: I’m a good girl, how very dare you! Lol I’ve never been in trouble per say, but I was caught up in a fight once and was trying to stop a guy from hitting another. There was a big group of them and I was with my husband and two friends. We managed to get away, but the police had been called and the stopped us on the street. I was so mad that I’d been caught up in the whole situation I was put in the back of a police car to calm down.

G.H – Oh wow that’s an experience right there! Well at least you can keep your good girl badge J
G.H - Do you drink? Smoke?

LF: I’ve never smoked other than when I tried it because my friends were and I only drink on special occasions, but I can drink A LOT. I learnt to drink in my late teens with the local pubs Sunday football team lol 

G.H – Ahh ok – definitely good girl badge.
G.H - What do you want your tombstone to say?

LF: Why are you standing here, go live life and smile for me.

G.H – Oh that’s lovely.
G.H- If you had a superpower, what would it be?

LF: I’m always changing my answer to this question, not sure why, but today I’d like it to be the power of healing.

G.H – Ahh ok, I must admit I change my answer a lot too. Healing is a nice power.
G.H- What secret talents do you have?

LF: I have a friend who says I have the Sherlock gene, I’m very observant and can sometimes read peoples actions a little too much in depth.

G.H – Ooooh that’s a very interesting one!
G.H - Do you dream? Do you have any recurring dreams/nightmares?

LF: I have the craziest dreams all the time. If I had the time to write them all down I would release them as a book.

G.H – Oh what a lovely idea! Let’s hope you get the time! hehe
G.H –Back to normal questions!

G.H - What piece of advice would you give to a new writer?

LF: Don’t think, just write. No one see’s your first draft so it doesn’t matter if there are elements you think are utterly crap. Taking that first step is scary, but it’s only one small step in a great adventure.

G.H – Fantastic advice.
G.H - Would you share a deep dark secret about you with us?

LF: Some day’s I think this is glaringly obvious, but I have no idea what the hell I’m doing. I’m just stumbling through the fog chasing my dream and hoping along the way people will connect with my writing.

G.H – Well I would say you are doing a very good job!

Thank you for letting us get to know you and your books. It was an absolute pleasure to have you with us!

LF: Thank you for having me. I loved your questions and some of them really made me have to think long and hard about who I am, what I’ve done and what I want to do in the future.
Everyone, please remember any questions or suggestions please write them in the comments section below.

Lisa’s Links:

Thanks G :)